There are upholstery companies across the Ontario offering different levels of service and craftsmanship. Quotations for reupholstery work can vary enormously as there is a wide variation in quality of work as well as differences in the upholstery services that companies offer.

Did you know some reupholstery companies do nothing more than replace your existing outer fabric without giving any consideration to the repair and renovation of the insides of your furniture?
Trust is so important, that’s why JENSO Upholstering built such a strong repetition with our customers. Your deposit is safe, and you are dealing with a respected and professional Reupholsterer who has been in business for over 30 years.
Jenso Upholstering ensure the following as part of the reupholstery service so if you decide to get a quote from another company, please check that they are offering the same quality and service level.
When you choose JENSO Upholstering, you’re choosing an experienced, Canadian company that can often work on a local level to give you the best quality materials, the most highly skilled craftspeople and the friendliest customer service possible.

Jenso Upholstering’s size and reputation means that we can give you the best prices and the best workmanship, usually all from in and around your hometown. Put simply, Jenso Upholstering gives you national quality standards and expert service.


Call today and request a quote with one of our experts.